Evolution and Medical Research: an Acquired Skill Linkage

What happens if you touch a hot cup of tea? You will withdraw your hand away from it so that you will not do this again, but what do you feel when you live a pleasant moment? Are they the same thing? In other words, our behaviors can be split into many categories, including innate and acquired by a trial and error frame of activity.  
The trial and error frame of activity is the brick through which the person builds his approach to rely on it when facing new obstacles or as an automated response if an incident occurs again. Throughout the centuries, humans acquired experiences dealing with fear, hunger, danger, and so on. Our mental resilience is growing because of those experiences. It’s like an adventurous journey in that we try to unlock the mysteries to reach the final target, which depends on the type of journey. 
Evidence-based medicine is an example of this; if you read a textbook, you will find relevant references at the end of each chapter.. The level of evidence varies from expert opinion at the base of the hierarchy. In-vitro research, animal research, case reports, case series, case-control studies, cohort studies, and randomized control trials hit the top of the pyramid ¹. Being at the top means being the most reliable source we might depend on while conducting a new research article. Case series and case reports follow the observational type of primary medical research, while systemic review and meta-analysis are secondary medical research pieces based on many previous articles ². Each has pros and cons regarding time, availability, cost-variability, and the correlation between the study and what you aim for. 
All the research article types originate from the need to move forward and solve as many mysteries as possible. When you deal with a new riddle, you try to solve it, and you gain a new experience that helps you with future obstacles, it is the same concept while conducting new research based on recent challenges like an endless journey.
To ease the process for the researcher and the reader to find various and multiple research pieces to establish a new one, many research engines and textbooks have emerged, such as PubMed and Google Scholar. This contributes to the continuity of science to tackle future obstacles when needed as it’s one of the acquired behaviors that maintain our lives. 
There can be no doubt that conducting a medical research is an important acquired skill to maintain the cycle of life and science, as it allows us to know more about ourselves. It forms basis through which we may rely on it while facing the future obstacles, so learning the medical research is important.

¹ Progress in evidence-based medicine: a quarter century on Djulbegovic, Benjamin et al. The Lancet, Volume 390, Issue 10092, 415 – 423

² Kapoor MC. Types of studies and research design. Indian J Anaesth. 2016 Sep;60(9):626-630. doi: 10.4103/0019-5049.190616. PMID: 27729687; PMCID: PMC5037941.

Abdelrahman Zaki
GRC Membrt, M.B.B.S Faculty Of Medicine, Misr University For Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt