Call for Researchers – assessing the antenatal care and compulsory vaccination uptake: Eastern Mediterranean Region Survey

🌍 Call for Collaborators for Authorship:

The Global Researcher Club is starting a multinational study across the 22 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. This project aims to assess adherence to antenatal care and compulsory vaccination uptake.

– How to be an Author?

You can apply to collect the required sample size responses on a survey using online method and at least 50% face-to-face.

– Sample size: we need a total 400 responses from your country.

Our target population: mothers of children aged 4 years and younger

Method of data collection: at least 50% of the 400 responses must be covered using face to face survey and the rest can be via online survey.

Deadline: 24 days once we start (approximately 15-20 responses/day)

We will email you if you are accepted and you will be added to the study group where you can monitor your progress.

Please note: this is a high yield progrject. we need collaborators who are committed, dedicated, and avalible to work on data collection and able to reach our target population.

Note: If you’re unable to collect the required sample size and get 250 responses or more, you will still be acknowledged in the eventual publication.

We enthusiastically invite qualified individuals to join our shared mission of advancing healthcare knowledge and enhancing patient safety. Let’s unite our efforts in shaping healthcare practices across the globe for the better!